Tuesday, July 04, 2006

"Superhero" is a career option...

...or at least, that's what my subconscious thinks. This was a very odd dream, and it's doesn't make sense, but part of it was cool, anyway...

The first part: I was at Mass (Mass of Paul VI), sitting front and center with a large group of people. The priest announced the Kiss of Peace, and while everyone else in the church shook hands and made a big commotion, the large group of us did it the more-or-less traditional way: my hands went to the shoulders of the person next to me, his hands went under my elbows, we bowed towards each other. "Pax tecum. Et cum spiritu tuo." After doing that to the person on both the left and the right, we faced front again. Quick, clean, smooth, done. We weren't diving over pews to shake hands with people, unlike the rest of the people in the church.

The next thing that I recall, this same group I was with at Mass were all in a very large field. The part we were in was wide open. I looked around, and some of us were dressed oddly. Very oddly. Some people had tights, some people had masks, some people had capes, etc. Others, including me, were dressed in their normal attire to blend in.

Now, I don't know how this part follows. If you hadn't noticed, we were all superheroes. I don't know if our powers came from the Mass (which is a really cool thought), or if because we had our powers, we had to show the common folk how to behave at Mass. Anyway...

In any case, we were all gathered to have a showdown with the local bad guy. It was obvious that very few of us had any idea how best to use our powers. Some were showing off, some were unsure of themselves, few were acting normal.

The local bad guy was on top of a hill. He had done something which had made him the bad guy. For all I know, he could have leveled a city, or he might have simply bought an SUV and the green peace people called him a murderer. In any case, he challenged us.

"Since you are all obviously very green with your powers, I'll give you a fighting chance. I'll give you 15 seconds. You have until then to hide wherever you can. If I find and catch you -- and I'll find and catch every single one of you -- you're out of commission. Agreed?" Somehow or another, we got the idea that we wouldn't want to go up against him in a full-scale assault, so we all agreed.

(Yes, it was superhero hide-and-seek.)
(I can hear you laughing. Shut up.)

We agreed by splitting up in every possible direction. Some people went into the trees, some turned invisible, some burrowed underground. I looked at the LBG. He wasn't looking away. He was watching us as we all hid. Well, he is the local bad guy...

I took off running. I sped up as fast as I could go (which is a lot faster than I can run in real life -- even faster than TJ), and then thought that it would be better if he could see where I was going, so I took off flying. I looked down to see where everyone was going. I put my hands out under me to give fives as I passed by. Everyone dodged, thinking I was going to hit them. Elizabeth McG. was up ahead. She turned around and held her hand out. I dipped low enough and gave her five as I zipped by.

At this point, I really took off. I didn't want LBG to watch me too easily. My plan was to get past a hill at the ten second mark (which I was in no danger of missing), and then use all my speed to hide in a completely different direction. Genius, huh? Well, just after giving Liz a five and really turning up the juice, I woke up. Mom had walked into the room and reminded me that I had wanted to get up early to get some work done today...

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